Hey guys, quick update.
Shift 4 has been eeever so slightly delayed again (when I said before Christmas I meant Xmas 09 :p)
But worry not, it's for a good cause and things are till progressing nicely.
The engine is 99 percent done and the world is half built, so it will actually be a very short time of development work left to finish it.
The music this time round is being done by Chris O'Neill, a pretty much unknown Artist hre on NG, I don't think he's done
Anything you'd have seen.
The music is amazing and I think he'll be posting it to the audio portal soonish so you can get your fill of quite possibly, the best game theme EVAR.
Here is a video of him running into a locker in slow motion.
/* */
You can forgive him though, he's Irish.
I'm sure Shift 4 is going to be amazing. And Oney's skull looked like it exploded on impact. :)