I'm actually more excited about being considered of similar standard by the mainstream as our NG heroes Luis,Bomtoons and co(aly). than actually being on Fox :p
I'm sure the CCTB guys share my glee at such a hot girl drooling over my work, and also shares my skepticism that she's ever actually played it :p.
Nonetheless, you can find the link at ArmorBlog as well as details of some other mainstream coverage I'm happy to have this month.
To everyone who's parents ever told them they're wasting their time in Flash - We're all entering a very exciting time right now.
Also, as I think he deserves a plug for a genuinely funny games related blog, heres a link to my friend Joel's blogspot, he's the guy who co-concepted the original IndestructoTank.
Its IndestructoBelty godness!
One more word out of you and I'll cut off the feeding tube.