I hope it gets good, sounds good at last....
Age 37
Megahurtz Sales
Confrmed Sending supplies
Joined on 5/3/04
I hope it gets good, sounds good at last....
Man that is awesome. O:
ahhh me wants it now! >:/
Cant wait.. It's good to have storyline and big things, but KEEP IT SIMPLE, We dont want 200gb flashes with full of what, Strawberryclock saying B 2 million times over and over in a infinite loop. Looks good though.
Get us a Wii version with only the surviver mode, or something.
lovin that logo, i think you should capitlize that i though. It'll flank the exclamation point better.
Im a typography freak sorry!
For you? Consider it done :)
Make the "i" capitalized. Otherwise looks good. A little cartoony though. I did see your thing actually on that other game you made. I think it was Ongaku, but I saw part of IndestructoTank2, and it looks pretty cool. Good luck.
looking foward to it i loved the first one and this looks way better
Hell. Fucking. Yeah.
I know I said this before but I didnt get a reply so... will IT2 be wii compatable? please reply to this
I'm working on it - I'll have to scale down the graphics somewhat, but get this - not just wii pointer compatible - but MarioToo API compatible - meaning you can use the 1 and 2 buttons and the D pad to play. ROck, ROck on.
shweet....how soon is soon?
wait...this has a storyline?
Adventure mode has a fully voice acted storyline with multiple characters, bosses and twists :p and soon is soon.